About Human Rights !!

What is Human Rights !!!

“Human rights” – “The rights related to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranteed by the Constitution and other prevailing laws, could give rise to the interpretation that the only human rights in the Constitution that are within the Commission’s jurisdiction are the civil and political rights. Jurisdiction in relation to economic, social and cultural rights, as well as human rights set out in all international human rights instruments are not properly captured by the language in the Bill. As such the scope of the Commission’s jurisdiction could be interpreted as more limited than is desirable and inconsistent with the broad definition required by the Paris Principles, which provide that a national institution shall be vested with “competence to  romote and protect human rights” and be given “as broad a mandate as possible.” Best Practices of NHRIs suggest that for a NHRI’s mandate human rights should be defined not only by reference to domestic law, but also by reference to all international human rights instruments, whether or not acceded to by the relevant State. It is therefore recommended that the definition be expanded, as follows: “‘human rights’ means the rights embodied in the United Nations
human rights instruments and includes the fundamental rights inPart III of the (Interim) Constitution of Nepal, provided that inrelation to Chapter 3 – Procedures Relating to ComplaintProceedings, ‘human rights’ means the rights embodied in theUnited Nations human rights instruments to which Nepal is aparty and includes the fundamental rights in Part III of theConstitution of Nepal.”

In Other Word : Human rights are those basic rights that belong to people because they are human beings, regardless of their nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, or religion, and without which people cannot live in dignity. The human rights that are considered by most societies to belong to all people include the right to life, justice, freedom, and equality. Social justice is the concept that community and state activity should be based on just and equitable treatment of all people regardless of color, race, socioeconomic class, gender, age, or sexual preference.                        


Dignity, basic rights, innate rights, inalienable rights, inherent, right to education, life, right to adequate standard of living, freedom of movement, freedom from torture, prohibition of genocide, right to self-determination, right to participate, freedom of religion, equality, right to health, right to education, right to shelter, right to employment, right to food, civil rights, freedom of expression, water as a human right, environment as a human right, social justice .

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